Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Baby and Toddler Lifestyle product photography Session

Over the weekend I shifted from my usual newborn and baby photography and photographed new range of kids toys and crafts soon to be available (at a secret soon to be revealed shop)
Beautifully unique hand painted, hand stitched baby, toddler and pre - schooler toys and crafts done by a incredibly talented and creative friend of mine.
What fun being able to watch the little ones discover these new goodies.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Studio Baby Photography vs Lifestyle Baby Photography

  Lifestyle Photography

Its a style of photography where posing and props are limited.
It's a more natural approach to photographing babies and family.

I personally love lifestyle baby photography, well all lifestyle photography really.  You can capture real, natural moments between mom, dad and baby. It's by all means not perfect - its those exact perfect imperfect moments i like to capture.
So much more than a just a photograph.
Capturing the way you are and how you spend your time with your baby and family, that is what's most beautiful to me.

  Posed or Studio Newborn Photography 

It's a style of photography were baby is positioned and props are used to get a specific look and feel.
It's pure perfection when done right.  Soft beautifully arranged baby....
It's so precious to have images of your baby so beautiful and peacefully posed.

I love this style for different reasons.  There is so much cuddling and loving during these sessions and mom and dad gets a well deserved break too.